*Düll, Alois, 1859-1866 (Dokument)

Archive plan context

Information on identification

Archival Material Types:Akt/Dokument
Title:*Düll, Alois

Information on related materials

Alte Matrikelnummer(n):[320]
Related material:Matrikelbücher I. 1859/60
Kartei Kunstausstellungen
Preisbuch P: 98, 117
Verwaltungsakten VA


Entries:  Düll, Alois (Personen\D)

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End of term of protection:12/31/1916
Permission required:Aktenbildner/Provenienz
Physical Usability:Uneingeschränkt
Accessibility:Ausgewählte Mitarbeiter

URL for this unit of description

URL: http://archive.akbild.ac.at:8080/detail.aspx?ID=7904

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