Blaschke, Johann (2), 1810-1825 (Dokument)

Archive plan context

Information on identification

Title:Blaschke, Johann (2)
Vorname(n):Johann (2)

Information on related materials

Alte Matrikelnummer(n):[437], [1690]
Related material:Reg.Nr.437: 2/78; 3/6; 4/11; 5/4v; 7/133; 12/60; 13/2; 14/2; 15/2; 17/2; 19/1v; 29/2
Reg.Nr.1690: 3/6; 4/11; 5/4; 7/133; 12/60; 14/2; 15/2; 17/2; 19/2; 26/2 (Blaschke Anton); 28/2

VA: Blaschke, Johann
1812 fol. 546, 681
1813 fol. 343, 352
1814 fol. 197
1815 fol. 61, R. 18, 21
1816 fol. 369, 382, 384, 387
1817 fol. 13, 35, 69, 267, R. 5, 7
Blaschke --, Kupferstecher
1810 fol. 170

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*Maurer, Hubert, 1769- (Dokument)


End of term of protection:12/31/1875
Permission required:Archivar
Physical Usability:Nicht möglich
Accessibility:Ausgewählte Mitarbeiter

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